Straight Down a Crooked Path: A Christian Response to Homosexuality

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Straight Down a Crooked Path: A Christian Response to Homosexuality

We've packaged these two CDs together to give you a clear, thoughtful look at homosexuality from the Christian worldview:

Setting the Record Straight: The Bible and Homosexuality - Greg Koukl focuses on one thing only: What is the most reasonable way to understand the biblical texts pertaining to homosexuality? Using only a handful of the clearest verses, Greg judiciously weighs the evidence, leading to an unmistakable conclusion. Includes PDF study notes.

Homosexuality & Christian Morality - Dr. Thomas Schmidt offers a deeply compassionate, yet incisive analysis of homosexuality. Given at Texas A&M University as part of the Veritas Forum, this lecture is perfect for someone who might be sensitive to a heavy-handed biblical treatment of the homosexuality issue.